Sunday, January 31, 2010

I stopped smoking in July 2009. I've forgotten the exact date but I'll probably always remember the month or the year or, considering I'm losing my memory, maybe I won't. It's been a roller coaster of a ride ever since. I've lost my filter for dealing with people and instead of worrying about them I worry more about myself now. I've gained 4kgs which really isn't much and I'm on a kick to get rid of it - need to kick higher I think! I've discovered that stopping smoking is such a shock to the system that it can catapult you headlong into menopause. That's been fun........ not! Vitamin B6 though... wonderful stuff.

All of those things pale into insignificance when compared to the euphoria that washes over me for no apparent reason on a regular basis. If every smoker could be assured of this feeling if they stopped I don't think anyone would smoke any more! It's the weirdest thing. I soar with happiness and because I don't know exactly what's causing it, when I look around me for the answer I think it could be anything and therefore everywhere I look I find something that makes me happy!

I've stopped smoking before and found that my confidence levels increased and so it is again. I've decided that I'm going to drive and am doing my theory test next week. I'm writing again - something I stopped doing two decades ago - and I've got a PLAN for my future.

Is it any wonder I feel happy?

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