Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thank GOD for Friday....

It was my birthday yesterday. Only one more year to make my mark before the BIG one! Ewww!! Being at work today only reinforced my determination to see my plan through - I've allowed my imagination to run wild this evening and let it try to imagine a week without a Friday - can you imagine? That would have to be the ultimate definition of hell.

I'm excited about my first writer's meeting tomorrow - so excited that when I went to buy a 'plate' at the supermarket this evening nothing was good enough and now I have to start baking in the morning!

I think I'm putting off making a driving lesson appointment...... I'm writing more and when I'm not doing it I'm thinking about it and it's usually the other way round... curiouser etc

Speaking of which, I've fallen in love with Alice In Wonderland again recently. It still seems really funny and clever to me and it's easy to see why it's never seemed dated.

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